“UNSUNG HERO” is a serialized Manga in “Comic DAYS” by Kodansha.
The story takes place at Gaia Music, a record company. “Ichiro Gomen(後免一郎)”, a newcomer in the production department responsible for discovering artists, spends his days getting angry because his motivation is running out of steam. But one day, he meets “Hiiragi Jam(柊木ジャム)”, a girl who performs live on the street in front of homeless people. She was undoubtedly a genius. He thought, ”I want to get this talent out into the world at all costs!” But she has an unpredictable personality…⁉ The unconventional challenge between a hot-headed scout and an artist with super problems begins!
“BECK” and “BLUE GIANT” are probably the most famous music manga. The story of “UNSUNG HERO” which I will introduce here, is not a story like “BLUE GIANT”, in which a person becomes obsessed with the allure of jazz and aims to become the best saxophone player in the world, but is more like a manga of professions that focuses on the artist and the staff.
I’m sure many of you have read “Ellen the Southpaw”, but “Unsung Hero” is also a story of a man whose life is ruined by a genius, and how he struggles to grow. Let’s watch together to see what kind of songs the genius “Jam-chan” will release, and what will become of her partner “Gomen-kun”!